Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Mai
  Bahnhofstr. 71e
  27612 Loxstedt
Telefon:    +49 - 178 - 3077 320
Telefax:    +49 - 4744 - 821 0828
  nach untenDiesen Balken nach oben   Veröffentlichungen im Jahre 2010  

125.   Hawkes, P., Pauli, G., Moser, H., Arntsen, O. A., Gaufres, P., Mai, S., White, K.
Waterborne transport, ports and navigation: Climate change drivers, impacts and mitigation.
Proc. of PIANC MMX Congress, Liverpool, 11-14 May 2010.
128.   Hawkes, P., Pauli, G., Moser, H., Arntsen, O. A., Gaufres, P., Mai, S., White, K.
Impacts of climate change on navigation.
Proc. of ICE, Civil Engineering, 163, S. 55-63 , London, 2010.
129.   Mai, S., Wilhelmi, J., Barjenbruch, U.
Wave height distributions in shallow waters.
Proc. of the 32nd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Shanghai, China, 2010.
130.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Simulation of interactions between wind-waves and currents in estuaries with a focus on climate change.
Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on HydroScience and Engineering ICHE, Madras, Indien, 2010.
131.   Daemrich, K.-F., Mai, S., Kerpen, N.
On the characteristics of zero-crossing waves in model wave trains.
Proc. of the German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, Tianjin, China, 2010.
 nach untenDiesen Balken nach obenSeitenanfang    
132.   Grabbert, J.-H., Reiner, A., Deepen, J., Rodda, H., Mai, S., Pfeifer, D.
A probabilistic storm surge risk model for the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coast.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-14148, EGU General Assembly, Wien, Österreich, 2010.
133.   Grabbert, J.-H., Deepen, J., Reiner, A., Mai, S., Pfeifer, D., Rodda, H., Kortenhaus, A., Burghoff, O.
A probabilistic storm surge risk model for the German Coast in the Context of Natural Catastrophe Insurance.
Proc. of the Storm Surge Congress, Hamburg, 13-17 September 2010.
134.   Hein, H., Weiss, R., Barjenbruch, U., Mai, S.
Uncertainties of tide gauges and the estimation of regional sea level rise.
Proc. of the Conf. Hydro 2010, Rostock-Warnemünde, 02-05 November 2010.
135.   Grabbert, J.-H., Deepen, J., Reiner, A., Mai, S., Rodda, H., Pfeifer, D., Kortenhaus, A., Burghoff, O.
A Probabilistic Storm Surge Risk Model for the German Coast in the Context of Natural Catastrophe Insurance.
Kurzfassungen der Meteorologentagung DACH Bonn, 20-24. September 2010.

 1994    ...    2008   2009   [ 2010 ]   2011   2012    ...    2019 
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