Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Mai
  Bahnhofstr. 71e
  27612 Loxstedt
Telefon:    +49 - 178 - 3077 320
Telefax:    +49 - 4744 - 821 0828
  nach untenDiesen Balken nach oben   Wasserstandsvorhersage, Ausweisung von Überflutungsflächen  

  23.   v. Lieberman, N., Mai, S., Ohle, N.
Auswirkungen von Sturmflutentlastungspoldern an der Unterweser.
Tagungsband zum 15. Deutschen Hydrographentag, S. V/B/1 - 9, Bremerhaven, 2000.
  26.   Ohle, N., Mai, S., Zimmermann, C.
Comparison of Physical and Numerical Simulations of Currents.
Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Iowa, USA, CD-ROM, 2000.
  43.   Mai, S., v. Lieberman, N.
Flood Risk in Coastal Regions.
Proc. of the 22nd Int. Conf. on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering HADMAR, S. 319 - 324, Varna, Bulgaria, 2001.
  66.   Mai, S., Zimmermann, C.
Vulnerabilität des Küstenhinterlands an Jade und Weser bei Klimaänderung.
Tagungsband des 4. FZK-Kolloquiums "Küsten - Morphodynamik und Küstenschutzwerke", S. 75 - 79, Hannover, Germany, 2003.
134.   Hein, H., Weiss, R., Barjenbruch, U., Mai, S.
Uncertainties of tide gauges and the estimation of regional sea level rise.
Proc. of the Conf. Hydro 2010, Rostock-Warnemünde, 02-05 November 2010.
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136.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Coastal Long Term Processes, Tidal Characteristics and Climate Change.
Proc. of 5th SCACR International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Aachen, 06.-09.06.2011.
137.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
What Tide Gauges Reveal about the Future Sea Level.
Proc. of the 4th Conf. Acqua Alta, 11.10.2011 - 13.10.2011, Hamburg, 2011.
139.   Dangendorf, S., Hein, H., Jensen, J., Mai, S., Mudersbach, C., Wahl, T.
Mean Sea Level variability and influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on long-term trends in the German Bight.
Water, special issue: flood risk management Vol. 4, ISSN 2073-4441, 2012.
141.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Mayer, B., Pohlmann, T., Barjenbruch, U.
A multi-scale and model approach to estimate future tidal high water statistics in the southern German Bight.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-8285-1, EGU General Assembly. 2012.
143.   Jenning, S., Hein, H., Mai, S., Schüttrumpf, H.
Bruchpunkte und Langzeittrends von Wasserstandsmessungen im Tidebereich der Deutschen Bucht.
Tagungsband des JuWi-Treffens, München 2012.
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144.   Hein, H., Barjenbruch, U., Blasi, C., Mai, S.
Computer-aided quality assurance of high-resolution digitized historic tide-gauge records.
Proc. of Hydro12 “Taking care of the sea“, Rotterdam, Niederlande 2012.
146.   Jenning, S., Hein, H., Mai, S., Schüttrumpf, H.
Breaks and long-term trends of tidal characteristics in the southern German Bight.
Proc. of the 33rd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Santander, Spain, 2012.
150.   Hein, H., Mayer, B., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Process based downscaling of a global climate model into the Elbe estuary.
Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER), Koblenz, 2013.
151.   Hein, H., Mayer, B., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Variations of regional sea level and coastal tides: observations and model results.
Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER), Koblenz, 2013.
152.   Jenning, S., Hein, H., Schüttrumpf, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Analyzing regional sea level changes: Tidal characteristics, intra- and inter-annual frequencies, probabilistic trends.
Book of Abstracts of 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER), Koblenz, 2013.
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157.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Long-term Changes of the Tidal Amplitudes and Phases in the Elbe Estuary.
Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering, Hamburg, 2014.
158.   Hein, H., Hein, B., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
The Residence Time in the Elbe River Focussing on the Estuary.
Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering, Hamburg, 2014.
160.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Simulated future tides and sea state in the Elbe estuary.
Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application to Natural Hazards (EVAN), Siegen 2013.
163.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Freshwater related transport processes in the Elbe estuary.
Proc. of the 36th IAHR World Congress, Delft 2015.

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 ©  Stephan Mai geändert am 23. Feb 2019